Saturday, December 30, 2006

Christmas Break 2006

This Christmas break has truly been a break for the two of us. From Kathy's more than busy Fall semester as the Dean to my first of many semesters as a TMS student, we have been filled to the brim with things to do. We faught furiously for free time in our semester to be able to hang out together. We had few but precious hours in Santa Clarita and up in beautiful Quartz Hill, which is our future home nestled away in the west side of the Antelope Valley. BUT, as soon as finals week at the college and seminary came to a skereeching hault, we immediately turned around to a fun-packed high school, youth group winter camp in Tehachipi. I preached three times and Kathy made a valiant effort to not only befriend dozens of high school girls whom she did not know, but also made some lasting connections with many of the great girls in our youth group. All this to say, God has provided steadily and given us hope in seemingly hopeless times to look forward to serving Him together as we move forward in our lives. After winter camp we were able to spend plenty of time relaxing, planning for our wedding on May 5th, reading together, planning for an up-coming college retreat, and visiting with family near and far. We are looking forward to seeing how the Lord will continue to guide and lead us graciously into the next year.